June 21, 2019

Welcome summer, we've missed you!

Welcome summer, we've missed you!

“I always wait for the longest day of the year and then miss it.” ~ Daisy Buchanan, The Great Gatsby

Me too, Daisy!

This year the summer solstice is today. June 21st at 11:54am EST. It occurs when the sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer, or 23.5 degrees north latitude. The farther north you are, the more sun you will see. For Kansans and Michiganians (or Michiganders, if you prefer), Friday will offer up 15-16 hours of daylight. For our Floridian friends, 14-15 hours of that pure sunshine. In the Arctic Circle … 24 hours! You would think that that during the summer solstice, the sun would be closest to earth. Quite the contrary! During the summer solstice, the earth is the furthest from the sun. The glorious warmth we feel during summer’s hottest months comes exclusively from the tilt of the Earth’s axis!

The word solstice is derived from the Latin sol (meaning sun) and sistere (meaning to stand still). I suppose you could say that today is the original soul sister! Kinda makes me want to put on my dancin’ shoes!

One final piece of trivia before I give you your summer solstice Tip of the Day … Since 1960 the Alaskan Goldpanners of Fairbanks, Alaska play a baseball game every year on the summer solstice. The game is known as the Midnight Sun Game and it begins at 10 pm and goes well through the night using no artificial light!

Now for your Tip of the Day: During the summer you want your ceiling fans to blow air straight down, so your fan needs to run in a counter clockwise direction as you look up at it. The warmer it is, the higher the speed should be so check your ceiling fans, friends! There is a small switch on them to change direction of the blades.

Have a safe and happy summer!

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